- Any of various other animals, such as the prairie dog. 似犬动物似犬动物,如草原犬鼠
- Any of various other animals,such as the prairie dog. 似犬动物似犬动物,如草原犬鼠
- It is the Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog Species that greets you today. 今天是花栗鼠、雪貂和草原土拨鼠王国向你们问候。
- A prairie dog of the endangered subgroup Cynomys parvidens pokes through a heavy Utah snow. 意译:一只大草原的土拨鼠是属于濒临灭绝的危险,它伸出沉重的身体在犹他州的雪地上。
- The white-tailed prairie dog inhabits higher altitudes, hibernates, and is less colonial. 白尾草原犬鼠栖息处海拔比黑尾种的高,有冬眠习性,较少集群。
- Charming rodents, black-tailed prairie dog live in "towns" that can stretch for acres beneath North America's open grasslands. 可爱的啮齿目动物黑尾草原犬鼠住在北美开拓草原下延数英亩的“小城镇”中。
- Prairie dogs chiefly live in the Great Plains of North America. 草原袋鼠主要分布在北美的大平原上。
- One day included you voicing a raccoon, a prairie dog, a squirrel, a vulture, a turkey, a hawk, a bear, a tin superhero, two giant monsters and two surfer dudes. 有一天,你的配音包括一只浣熊,一只土拨鼠,一只松鼠,一只秃鹫,一只火鸡,一只鹰,一头熊,一个锡皮超级英雄,两个巨型怪兽外加两个冲浪运动员。
- Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog or Ground Hog are all associated with a group of kingdoms that watch the grid work of earth and its energy flow day and night. 花栗鼠、雪貂和草原土拨鼠,都和一群日夜守望地球晶格层及其能量流的王国有关。
- They are also home to various wildlife, including bison, elk, coyotes, and prairie dogs. 它们也是各式野生动物的家乡,包括北美野牛、美洲赤鹿、郊狼及草原土拨鼠。
- A Utah prairie dog emerges to forage in spring snow. Though not completely dormant during the winter, prairie dogs return to activity and aboveground life in earnest in spring. 一只犹他土拨鼠出现在春雪过后的草料堆上。尽管它们在冬天不是完全冬眠,但土拨鼠要到春天才真正开始它们的陆上活动。
- Traceback investigations have found a common distributor of exotic pets where prairie dogs and Gambian giant rats were housed together in Illinois. 反推研究发现,在伊利诺伊州有一类外来共同传播者,在那里草原狗和冈比亚巨田鼠居住在一起。
- In June 2003, monkeypox was reported in prairie dogs and humans in the United States. 2003年6月,报道猴痘在美国的草原犬鼠和人出现。
- The rats carried monkeypox virus, which transferred to prairie dogs that were sold in the same pet shop. 这些鼠带有猴痘病毒,并且将其传染给了也在同一家宠物店出售的草原土拨鼠身上。
- Most of these people got sick after having contact with pet prairie dogs that were sick with monkeypox. 这些人大多数在接触患有猴痘的草原宠物狗后发病。
- It depends mainly on the abandoned burrows of prairie dogs for nesting sites and shelter. 它主要把土拨鼠废弃的洞穴作为筑巢地点和庇护所。
- So this is so for Chipmunks and Prairie Dogs, who come out to play with humans, sometimes taking of one's leftovers in the campgrounds and parklands. 对花栗鼠和土拨鼠而言也是如此,它们出来和人类玩耍,有时候带走露营地或游戏地带人们的残羹冷炙。
- Though not completely dormant during the winter, prairie dogs return to activity and aboveground life in earnest in spring. 草原土拨鼠不会冬眠一整个冬天,初春它们就重新回到地面上活动了。
- But plague, always a threat to the ferrets and their main prey, prairie dogs, has struck with a vengeance this year, partly because of the wet spring. 但是,对于这种白釉和他们的主要猎物草原土拨鼠来说,今年是报复性的打击,部分原因在于这个湿润的春季。
- Gunnison's prairie dog n. 高地草原犬鼠